Read and comment on the environmental articles below. If you would like to contribute a article or become a regular writer for EcoMarlee, please submit your articles through this page here.
Microplastic pollution and human health watch video's that explain the dangers and how to protect yourself.
The earth is getting greener by Yi Liu, UNSW, Albert Van Dijk, Australian National University, and Pep Canadell, CSIRO
The oceans are losing their oxygen levels by Karin Limburg, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Scientists explain why climate change and global warming are real by Ben Henley, University of Melbourne and Nerilie Abram, Australian National University.
Why some people deny the science behind climate change by John Cook, The University of Queensland
A look at alternative energy solutions by EcoMarlee
How long will the earth exist by EcoMarlee
Earth facts by EcoMarlee
Perfect recycling is possible by EcoMarlee
How did life on earth begin by EcoMarlee
How the earth was made by EcoMarlee